Sunday, April 3, 2016

Here We Go Again to Urgent Care...

Well, I guess Henry didn't think I had enough to write about this week, so he thought he'd make things a little more interesting this afternoon.  All three kids like to sit on one chair during computer time.  One child has access to the mouse while having their time on the computer.  The other two siblings are not-so-quiet observers.  Henry was one such observer, when he decided to jump off the chair.  Unfortunately he did not calculate distance, depth, or anything else because he hit his head on the corner of the chair.  It wasn't a horrible cut compared to other cuts we've had around here, but it looked just deep enough that it could possibly require medical attention.  So, off he and I went to the Urgent Care facility.  I was hoping for some glue to the forehead and then send us on our way.  Henry treated this visit as a spa treatment.  After putting some lidocaine on the cut, they offered him a juice box.  He partook.
Then after they glued him up, they offered him a popsicle.  He partook.
He was just lounging in the chair like all was cool in the world.  I guess when you've had people work on your face three times in three years you just get used to it.  I was happy that they used glue and not stitches.  He has had a tendency in the past to not keep all the stitches in for the allotted period of time.  I should probably check Amazon to see if they carry skin healing glue and just keep a tube around here.
Our weekend was busy enough as it was.  Saturday, Josiah, dressed as Waldo, woke me up by saying, "Your toast is getting cold."  That got me out of bed fast, because I was worried what else he had prepared along with the toast.  Fortunately, this meal was much more simplistic than others he's made.  It was a Waldo birthday party.
That would be a "hunk" of cheese stick in the middle of the mildly toasted bread.
He had his whole crew with him, Henry as Woof, and Caroline as Odlaw.  He had even gotten down the Happy Birthday sign which I cautiously asked, "How?" since it was up on a high shelf.
We spent the afternoon at the Symphony.  Fortunately, it was a casual children's symphony as you can see by our attire.
Henry, allowing my genes in him to come to the surface, started getting sleepy as soon as the lights went down.  (I fell asleep probably during every single play or performance that I went to throughout school. Once the lights went down I just fell asleep.  I could not control it.)
Caroline, however, did not stop moving throughout the entire performance.  She was walking around our aisle, drawing, talking, in-the-chair, out-of-the-chair, in my lap, out of my lap, pointing at the instruments, checking out what all the other audience members were doing and reporting it back to me, etc.  Nevertheless, as soon as every song was over, she would stand at attention and clap just as loud and emphatic as could be.  She gave those musicians a standing ovation for every musical number.
This was the last number in which they were following a dance.
Earlier in the week, the kids put on their own musical performance for me.  Josiah was on trombone, Henry was on flute (that was played like a clarinet), and Caroline was on drums.  They each wrote out their sheet music and played in perfect harmony.
Look at that expression on his face!

Mid-week, we met with a lady from our new church because she wanted to talk to Josiah about his decision to follow Jesus.  She just wanted to make sure he understood his decision and what it all meant.  Then she took him (and us) on a tour of their baptismal and how it all worked.  Their baptismal pool was outside, so Josiah was able to climb on the rocks to look at it.  Well, Henry and Caroline did not want to be left out of the mix and so scrambled to look at it as well.  Caroline was curious about the temperature and depth of the water, so she decided to put her left leg in.  The church had a safety barrier in the water when not in use, so she only got the water up to mid-calf, but it was just par for the course for us.  The nice lady giving us the tour offered us a towel, and I just thought, no, let her live with a wet leg.  She'll survive.  Needless to say, our tour ended quickly after that.

So, Josiah had this nice conversation about following Jesus and just the day before he tried to demonstrate what that meant.  Caroline had thrown her doll over the ledge and it got stuck in the light.
Knowing she would get in trouble for it, Josiah quickly told me that he would take her punishment for her just as Jesus took the punishment for his sin.  I was impressed.  Henry joined in as well, saying he would take her punishment.  Then I said the punishment would be "no computer" (which is always the punishment because that's what they love the most), Josiah said, "Oh, I'm not going to take her punishment."  Is that what Jesus would have done, son?

Caroline got promoted from her mattress on the floor.  We bought her a bed frame, so now she has a real bed.  It looks a bit like a hospital bed, so I think we're going to have to get a bed skirt to pretty it up.
Finally, where we live we see cows whenever we leave the house.  It was funny when we first moved here, but we've since gotten used to it.  However, at Awana this past Friday, there were cows grazing in the meadow behind the church.  They were right up to the fence so they were pretty close to where we were.  At the opening ceremonies, the director always asks, "Whose ready for Awana?"  Then the kids all shout.  So he did, the kids shouted, and the cows, who had all been grazing nicely, suddenly looked up at us.  I tried to get a picture later of how close they were, but it's a little fuzzy and dark.  
And, thus, a new week begins.  I would say, hopefully a less injury-prone week, but that just seems fruitless.  Let's just hope it's a happy week.  Injuries and all.

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