Sunday, September 10, 2017

Coffee & Chick-fil-a

Monday morning the boys wanted to try coffee.  We have these two little unused espresso cups that I broke out for them.  In these little cups they had a tiny bit of coffee, a splash of half and half, and a sugar cube each.  They were really excited to try it.  Henry, our broader palate child, very gingerly sipped his coffee and said, "Ugh! That tastes like burnt potatoes."  Josiah, sipped his and asked how I could possibly drink it every day.  Todd agreed.  They just don't know what they're missing.  If I had had my French Vanilla creamer, they would have loved it and we'd be in trouble, but alas they'll stick to good ol' milk and water.

Tuesday the library reopened.  I was so happy to be able to get all the library books out of our house.  We had held onto them for much longer than we usually do.  We returned 91 books, 7 movies, and 1 book on tape!  We tend to go to the library at least once a week because we put so many books on hold from other libraries that we're always having some to pick up.  Each time we go there, the kids always want to get more so we have an ever-rotating pile of books.  It's usually great because they'll all read a lot when we get new books, but with the library closed last week we couldn't rotate out!  While some might keep track of their bank statements online, I log into my library account several times a week to stay on top of it.  The boys have been reading a new-to-them series called, "I Survived!"  They have events like, I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906, or The Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941, or Hurricane Katrina, 2005.  Well, Josiah read I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011.  He excitedly came up to me right after he finished it and exclaimed, "He survived!"  Well, how about that?  They'd have to change the series title if he didn't....  But they are neat books and they have real pictures in them whenever possible.  I'm all about reading non-fiction, so it makes me happy.  :)

This weekend I got to take Caroline and Josiah out individually.  Last month we missed out on our Chick-fil-a monthly coupon because they were all closed for the last week of the month (and we tend to not use the coupons until the last minute).  So, this month I was determined to get those coupons in!  Instead of having a chaotic lunch with all three kids to use all the coupons, this weekend I took Caroline out for breakfast to enjoy some hash browns and later Josiah and I hit it up for some lunch fries.  With Caroline, we also stopped at the library (see trip #2 this week!) and I let her have some time to play with the dollhouse there.  Then with Josiah, we went to Sam's Club and I let him browse through all the books at his leisure.  This may not seem like a big deal to most, but I am an in-and-out shopper.  I don't browse, I just like to get what I need and leave.

While Henry and I didn't get our Chick-fil-a time this weekend, he did get a few selfies of himself while we waited on Josiah to get his haircut.  He's all about kissy lips right now.

He also spent some time squeezing himself into the toddler car.  (A wonderful hand-me-down from their cousins.)  Every time I think we should sell this at a yard sale, the kids break it out and play with it again even though they are all way too large for it.
And that was our week.  Uneventful, which we'll take.

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