Sunday, September 24, 2017

Quality of Life

In school I am always trying to tell the boys to do their best.  We have the Scripture verse hung on the wall, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for man."  (Col 3:23) It's the expectation that we've set.  And yet, this week, one of Josiah's assignments was to write a declarative sentence (statement), an interrogative sentence (question), and an exclamatory sentence (sudden feeling).  He wrote, "Maybe.  How?  Wow!"  Did you work at that with all your heart, there, buddy?

Josiah has been complaining that he hasn't been able to breathe well for probably a few months.  It was the type of thing that we weren't sure really needed medical attention, because he could breathe just fine through his mouth.  It was his nose he was having issues with, but he didn't want to compensate by being a mouth-breather.  One morning this week, Josiah woke up, came downstairs, did his best to breathe through his nose, and commented, "At the rate I'm breathing, it's hard for me to keep my quality of life."  So, we made the trek to the doctor where his lungs turned out to be perfect, his oxygen levels were 98, and he physically checked out just fine.  The doctor suggested a nasal spray and said it may help him or it may just have a placebo effect.  The next morning, we gave him the nasal spray and literally three seconds later he said he felt better.  He stopped his very intense, very exaggerated nose inhaling, too.  And not to say that he was making it all up.  The doctor said he probably really did feel like he couldn't breathe well.  I'm just glad the Flonase is working, whether it be mentally, physically, or both.

At karate this week, Josiah was very sweet with a friend's little girl.  She's two and she listened intently as Josiah explained who all the Ninja Turtles were, their weaponry, and their role in the Turtle Team.  This little girl has three older brothers, so she may have some practice in the listening department, but the two of them played really well while Caroline was in her class.  Josiah is consistently good with little ones.

And speaking of Caroline's karate class, she came out with a red belt.  Again, I missed the belt ceremony.  (I had to take pictures of my son on the floor being sweet on the little lady.)  Caroline said, "I got red, like Ezra!" (her karate and CC buddy).
In an effort to bring attention to the number of Legos on the boys' bedroom floor, Todd played a game with them last night.  He had each child begin at the door, and then they had to get to the bed either by walking backwards, blindfolded, or looking up at the ceiling.  Obviously, our point was to have them walk on the Legos which would prove so painful that they would want to clean them all up right away.  The reaction we got was, "Oh, can I go again?!!"  "I didn't get to go backwards.  I want to go backwards."  And of course they all denied it hurting their feet.  Parent fail.

Henry was sweet walking into church today.  He often puts his arm around Josiah this way when they walk together.  And I think the boys have worn these two shirts nearly every Sunday lately.  Usually they both wear red or they both wear white, so they went out on a limb today by mixing it up.  
And that was our week.  Next week is much busier with field trips, having friends over, and Todd's birthday.  

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