Sunday, October 22, 2017

Driving Miss M.

Last Sunday morning, we drove Todd and one of his coworkers, Miss. M., to the airport for a conference.  You never quite know how the kids will react to new people.  They can be shy, friendly, hyper, or, in this particular case, quite talkative.  As our guest sat in the car, the door closed, and the kids proceeded to tell her their entire medical histories.  Josiah started, "I was in the NICU and then when I got out I had to go back to the hospital..."  "Caroline knocked her teeth out on our bunk beds.  She had surgery on her neck in Virginia and came home with a bandage around her neck.  She had a scar that came off in a trolley in Delaware."  Henry added, "I've been to the hospital only three times, but I've been to Urgent Care like 2000 times."

This short drive had all the kids enamored by Miss. M.  When it was time to pick them back up at the airport just two days later, the kids had made her several cards, Josiah bathed and dressed in his finest, even asking how to fold a handkerchief for his pocket.

Caroline wanted braids to look her best.
Josiah even asked me if he could take a selfie with her.  "Uh, no.  That would be inappropriate."  Henry stayed true to himself and didn't feel the need to impress anyone.  He wore his typical t-shirt and athletic shorts and his card to her had a list of U.S. Presidents.

Josiah also packed up a bag full of chips in case Miss. M. was hungry from her flight.  She kindly chose a bag to take home with her.  Driving along, we kept hearing a lot of chip eating from the back of the car.  So, we called back, "Hey, are you eating more than one bag of chips?"  Yeah.  They were all on their third bag.  Apparently, Caroline was using this as a taste-testing opportunity.  She discovered, after opening, that she did not like regular Doritos, Cool Ranch Doritos, or BBQ flavored Lays, so she ate her plain yellow bag of Lays.  This is just one of the many reasons we have to vacuum our car out nearly every weekend.

At CC this week, Henry was still having a bit of respect issues going on.  I wish I had his confidence as a kid, but sometimes he pushes the envelope and steps into the overly confident, not-so-respectful kind of kid.  We are dealing with the same sort of issues at home (with all the kids at different times, this just happens to be Henry's time).  He has been speaking disrespectfully, but he plays it off as "it was a joke."  We've struggled with how to discipline it because nothing appears to be working.  At CC, I decided that he would clean up his classroom every week for his tutor.  He now is responsible for wiping down all the tables in the room and vacuuming the floor.  He needs to respect his tutor and her classroom, and his fellow students, so he is going to serve her this way.  We shall see how it goes.
At Robotics class, the kids built robots that could climb a string.  It was pretty cool what they build in the 90 minutes they are there.  Next week they're building Battle-bots again, so the boys are really excited about that.  They love the fighting of the battle-bots.

Josiah had a Ninja birthday party this past weekend.  They had ninja games, ninja obstacle courses, ninja trampoline fun, ninja breaking foam boards, everything ninja.  For three hours, he had a great time running around with all the kids.  We get in the car and he says, "You know who my favorite person at the party was?"  Who?  "Lola."  Their dog.  Josiah would love, love a dog.  Of course, when he came home from the party, Caroline wouldn't go near Josiah because she kept saying he smelled.  Too much time with Lola maybe?
We have another busy week ahead with a Fall Party and a field trip to the Health Museum planned.  One day we'll have a week of school where we just do school all day and nothing else.  I'm not sure when it'll be, but some day.  

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