Sunday, October 8, 2017

Giant Bibles

On Monday, Caroline wasn't feeling well.  She had a cold, so she had been feeling pretty blah all day.  In the evening, she sat beside me and drew the cutest picture of she and I together.  There was a sky above us with the sun shining.  A rope under us to catch us if we fell.  She wrote the words: Caroline, Mommy, and love.  It was a very sweet thing.  She was finishing up her drawing of me, when she looked up with a curiosity and asked, "How many lines do you have on your forehead?"  Thanks... We call those wisdom marks, sweetie.
Caroline wasn't feeling a whole lot better the next day, either, but she did perk up when a package arrived from Grandad and Nana.  She said, "It's a princess!  I got a princess!"  The boys were equally excited to get Transformers.
I have decided that this will be my second and final year of teaching WAM 3's at church.  It is the music program on Wednesday nights and last year I helped out with the 3-year-olds and ended up having to lead it the second half of the year when the other two teachers jumped ship.  This year I thought I could help out again.  It seemed like a better idea than just sitting around while our kids were in their classes.  You know, be useful.  Well, we have been learning a song about being a friend of God's in our music time.  One little child in our class was more interested in running around the room, kicking the walls, sitting on other children's heads, and otherwise terrorizing the classroom.  Since he was in my room that evening, I was the one always going after him.  His sweet 3-year-old face looked up at me and articulated in an angry, indignant voice, "Get away from me!  You're not my friend!  Get away!"  So, we are in October and I'm counting down to May as we speak.

The boys began a robotics class this week.  It is an 8-week course and they make robots out of Legos.  The first day, the leader said they would be making robot dogs.  The boys were put on a team together and they built their "dog," which they had to fight against other "dogs" to see which team could knock the other team's robot off the table (the robots ran by remote control - just forward and backward for today).  They had a lot of fun, which relieved some fear that I had over-scheduled them by adding this class.  While the boys were in their class, Caroline and her pal, Ezra, were playing games on the library's computers.  They had a lot of fun together and declared themselves to be best friend's forever.
Henry and Josiah's robot dog.
Josiah's shirt came in at Awana.  Once you get to third grade, you graduate from the vests and get t-shirts.  He was pretty happy to get his.  He came home with a patch to attach to it, but told me that I can't iron it because "the shirt melts." 
This was such a busy week, that by Saturday we were all pretty exhausted.  However, we had promised the kids we would go see the new Lego Ninjago movie, so we went Saturday morning.  I made it through the first 15 minutes before Pavlov's dog hit me and I was pretty much out for the remainder of the movie.  The kids ate lots of popcorn and enjoyed the movie, so that was all good.  The rest of the day we had cranky, argumentative kids, so we all had a bit of alone time in our rooms, parents included.
The week ended with First Grade Bible Presentation at church.  Since they can presumably all read now, our church gave all the first graders their own Bibles.  The ones they gave them this year happened to be quite large with big print inside.  All I could think of when I saw the size of the print was that they'd be great for now while they're learning to read, and again when they're much older and need to return to large print books.  Henry came in at the end of big church with all the first graders holding their gigantic Bibles.  We spotted him right away, but he was scanning the crowd for us.  It was pretty sweet to see him smile big and wave when he saw us.  We felt the love, but then when we picked him up after church, he was cranky again and didn't want to pose for a picture.  You're going to stand there and hold your giant Bible and like it!
And that was our week.  I think we're all still pretty exhausted.  We have one more week, before we're going to take a day or two off.  We've been going strong in school since the beginning of August without any breaks, so I think we're all feeling it.

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