Sunday, April 15, 2018

I Want A Happy Wife

There has been a lot of talk about marriage lately.  I don't know if this is a normal kid thing or what.  In the car one day, Henry said that he wanted to room with Josiah at college.  He thought it would be the coolest thing for brothers to room together.  They figured out they would only room two years together before Josiah finished school.  Henry followed it up with, "Then you have to find a wife.  That's hard."  This turned the topic of conversation to qualities and characteristics that one would want in a spouse.  I told them they needed to figure out if they wanted to be with someone who was happy or angry, someone who told the truth or lied, someone who was loved the Lord or not, etc.  After listing lots of character traits, Caroline interjects, "And if you want her to be your servant."  I told her there probably weren't a lot of ladies up for the job of servant.  Josiah concluded, "I want a happy wife."  Later Todd told him, "They don't come happy, you have to work hard at that."  Thanks, dear.

Caroline talks about what she's going to wear to her wedding every time she puts on a fancy dress.  This weekend, she went to a friend's birthday party.  She was so happy to dress up and was really proud of her outfit.  She genuinely thinks this is her future wedding outfit.  Right on down to the princess socks.  While we were driving to the party, she said, "Mommy, do you know what I wish you were wearing?"  I asked if it was a fancy dress.  "Your wedding dress!" she exclaimed.  She couldn't believe it doesn't fit anymore.  She asked if the dress was too big.  Oh, sweet girl.  I wish.
The birthday party was a Troll's theme and Caroline loved every bit of it, especially the snack table which she frequented.  She watched some girls teach the kids how to make slime.  They had pinatas and chicken nuggets, pin-the-tail, and veggie straws.  Her friend also had a sprinkle cake.  She was a happy little girl.  Caroline said she wanted a party exactly like it.
Making slime.
We didn't have CC this week, but we did have a field trip at CC.  A man came and taught the kids how to do CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.  He was very good with the kids and they all got to try it out on the dummies.
After CPR training, we met up with a friend at the park.  After a while, some more friends unexpectedly came and we all had a really nice time together.  Then two school buses showed up and Henry freaked out.  "Two school buses are here!  They're going to come and take over!  There's going to be 50 kids on the rope thing and 100 kids on the playground."  We took it as an opportunity to walk to a little memorial/monument area and the kids played nicely until the mob of school kids boarded their buses.   
When we got home from the park, we watched an older Disney movie, Newsies.  We had read about the 1899 newspaper strike by the newsboys over a price increase.  I had always wanted to see the movie, so it seemed like an appropriate thing to watch for entertainment.  It was also a musical.  This is how Henry felt about it:
Not impressed...
One night this week, I was checking on the boys and found Henry sleeping with his football.
This weekend I took Henry to the library and he went straight to his section - the 790's - football books.  He has a hard time finding any to read now because he's read all the kid football books.  He just looked so old and mature standing there.
This coming Tuesday, Henry has a big Tutor Proof for CC.  He passed the Parent and Peer Proofs and has moved on to the big one.  He has to know and recite everything from the entire CC year (24 weeks).  Each week they have to memorize a fact from history, science, grammar, Latin, math, and geography, as well as memorize a timeline song from Creation to 2001 (the timeline song is 12 minutes on the CD, so it's a lot).  He knows it all, so he's going to earn that t-shirt he's been wanting.  Josiah, sadly, didn't make it to the Tutor Proof.  He knows every subject except timeline, so we're going to make sure he learns it over the summer.  It'll be easier then anyway, since he can focus solely on one thing.  I really felt bad for Josiah and take some responsibility for him not learning timeline.  However, I told him, he needs to be singing timeline instead of humming the Star Wars theme song all day long.  Priorities...

Caroline did not want to be left out of the CC proofing process.  So, one night this week, she wanted me to test her.  We got to geography and we went through a few states/capitals just orally.  Then I pointed to a state and asked her what it was and she said, "I only know two."  They were Texas and Virginia.  She got through the first few weeks of each subject pretty well, but then there were a lot of, "I don't know that. Can you help me?"  It's good she wanted to try.

And that was our week.
Just so Josiah doesn't feel left out with no big pictures of him.  Here's a throwback to one of my favorites of him.

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