Sunday, April 29, 2018

Awana Awards and Swatson Smacks

We had our last CC meeting of the semester this past week.  It is nice to be finished and to have a little less work for the remaining weeks of school.  For their final presentations, Josiah presented on Charles Schultz, while Henry and Caroline performed magic tricks.  I didn't get to see Caroline's actual presentation, but I did see the practices at home.  She had a piece of black plastic that had an empty upside-down top hat on one side.  She said, "See the hat is empty."  Then she covered the plastic part with her other hand and magically flipped the thing around to reveal the rabbit in the hat on the other side.  The problem she was having in her practices was that her second hand wasn't large enough to cover the entire plastic thing so the audience could see the flip.  But I didn't take into account that she was giving the presentation to her peers and they were amazed at the trick.  She got many questions, "How did you do it?"  Like a true magician, she said she could not reveal her secrets.

Henry did the phantom vase trick.  He had a lidded vase, which he took the top off to reveal a red ball sitting inside.  He put the ball in his pocket and put the lid back on the vase.  Then he said he was magically going to put the ball back in the vase.  He made a very dramatic gesture, and then took the false lid off of the vase to reveal what appeared to be the same red ball.  Then he put the lid back on and said he was going to make the ball go back into his pocket.  He dramatically fell to the ground as the ball shot its way back.  He stood up to show the empty vase once again.  This is his third magic trick presentation, so his peers are getting a little wiser to his ways.  He gave a good performance, though.

It was a big CC day for Henry as he was awarded his Memory Master medal and certificate.
That evening we had his special Memory Master dinner at a very Texas restaurant.  They had a kids' table and an adults' table, so I only saw the back of him during the entire meal, but he was having a good time.  One of the older boys does card tricks and he was performing for the kids at the table.  The best part was the cake for dessert and they had so much left over that we were able to bring some home to Josiah and Caroline.  They were very grateful.
And as well as Henry has done academically this year, we are still (daily) reminded that he's only seven.  He has wanted to start cursive, so we started it this week....but we may be saving it for next fall.  Henry moves constantly.  Constantly.  He never sits still in his chair and this is proving a problem for learning how to form his letters correctly.  You have to sit child.  You have to sit still and angle your book and write slowly and carefully.  Sit child, sit!  He literally cannot do it.  He doesn't do it at CC either, which is one of the reasons I had to be in his classroom.
Caroline and I went to the Awana Award Ceremony one evening.  She was so excited to get her ribbon for finishing her second Cubbies book.  She sang up on stage with her group and did a great job.
The best part, however, was after the ceremony was over.  She got her cookie from the snack table and took it out to the playground to eat.  Then after waiting a very long time for a swing to open up, she got to swing.  She wanted me to push her for a while, but then said she was going to stop on her own.  Instead of slowing down, she figured out how to pump her legs and she swung herself for the first time.  She swung for a long time all on her own.  That's a big accomplishment for her and I'm glad she finally figured it out.
While we were at Awana, the boys went to the Skeeter's game with Todd.  Josiah sat at the end of the row and it happened to be the area where Swatson hung out before going on top of the dugout or out on the field.  While he was waiting, he had fun smacking Josiah in the head with his stinger. Josiah's pretty sure that Swatson remembers him from their race last season.

Later, the boys wanted some food.  Henry picked ice cream in a souvenir ball cap.  He enjoyed it, but then he was cold the rest of the evening, so he may not get that again.  Josiah picked cotton candy and he requested a fork with which to eat it.  So instead of having sugar all over his face, he sat there very neatly eating his pink sugar.  We appreciate his neat eating around here.
That was our week.  This weekend we didn't accomplish much because we were all just exhausted.  Henry took a 2 hour nap after church today and still went to bed on time tonight.  May we all wake up well rested and ready to start the school day tomorrow.  :)

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