Sunday, May 20, 2018

3-on-1 Ball

I had a dentist appointment this week, so I asked a fellow CC mom to watch the kids.  The kids had a blast and did not want to leave when I came to get them.  They had these cool number blocks as well as other blocks and Henry was building lots of castles/towers.  Caroline and her friend Gen kept knocking the towers down, so in retaliation, the boys took the girls' Prince figurine and locked him up in the castle and locked the girls out of the room.  Caroline and Gen came to us and sadly said, "Those boys kept the prince."  Poor Cinderella had no one to ride with her in the coach.
When it was time to leave, Josiah wanted another obligatory picture with their pet.  We have lots of pictures of him with all of our friend's dogs.  This was a very good dog.  Very calm, which helped Caroline immensely.  She's still nervous around most dogs.
School has gone well this week.  For our 45-minute free time that we take after lunch, we've been going out to play ball.  Henry and I toss the football, Josiah and I toss a Nerf baseball, and Caroline and I kick a 4-square ball back and forth.  All at the same time.  They love trying to make me catch/kick them all at once.  Most of the time I drop the ball or miss it entirely in an attempt to block/protect my face.  They get sent to the penalty box for hitting me in the back with their ball, since it means they threw it without me facing them.  Henry racked up the most penalties.  Mostly because he throws the hardest and has the best aim, so his hits had the most impact.

As if that wasn't enough exercise and agility training, the kids have been faithful companions when we do exercise videos in the evening.  They find great joy in the videos because they do "active rest" whenever they feel like it.  Henry said he enjoyed the isometric squat (where you just stay in the squatting position while your thighs burn like the dickens), but when I looked over at him, his bum was resting nicely on our ottoman.  Caroline talks through the entire video.  Literally, the entire video.  Loudly.  Until she gets kicked out of the room if I miss too many transitions to the next exercise (because I couldn't hear the trainer man talking).  But she's all ready to go the next day.  "Ooo, we're going to do the exercise video?  Oooo, I want to do it, too!"
Henry had looked forward to Friday's karate class all week.  During Caroline's class he was going to play football in the field with his friends.  He had studied playbooks and written out plays.  He assigned everyone a real team player's name.  Josiah was Bill O'Brien, the manager.  Henry was Rob Gronkowski.  He was so excited.  But then one of the family's didn't show up, so there went two players.  The other three players are all brothers, but they had gotten a sunburn the day before and their mom wanted them to stay in the shade, that and it was super hot out.  Henry's hopes were dashed.  They did get to toss the football in the shady sidewalk area, but it wasn't the same.  He's going to try again next week.  It has been really hot here this week - mid 90's every day.  Wednesday we broke a record from the 1800s.  I think it was 96 and we felt every bit of it.

Henry got a book from the library about crafts because, in looking through it, he saw a craft on how to make a football helmet.  So, we got started on our paper-mache helmets, but then quickly ran out of glue.  It takes a lot of glue!  We have three layers of newspaper to complete before cutting and painting it, so it'll be a project that we work on this week (if we can ever get to the store for more glue).
We told the kid's about our Disney trip in the fall.  Josiah was very excited - we can always count on him for excitement.  Henry was a little more subdued.  He said that he wanted to go wherever Tom Brady was.  He is slightly obsessed with Tom Brady at the moment.  Caroline was excited that she was going to meet Cinderella, Elsa, & Anna (Frozen characters).  She loves her princesses.  Todd wanted the kids to know about the trip early so they could save up their money in case they wanted to buy anything there.  Also, because they always want to buy Lego kits with their money and the amount of Legos on their floor makes us not want to buy more Lego kits.

We went to Smashburger this week.  Josiah has been asking to get a milkshake there for many weeks now.  We caved this time, but we made him share it with Henry since it was already close to 7:00 p.m.  Those boys sucked it down.  It was as if they wanted to make sure they each got the most, so they just sucked those straws til it was empty.  Then the sugar hit and they were nuts.
At Smashburnger, they give you the container they make the milkshake in so you get the leftovers as well.  I let Caroline try it, but she didn't like it.  I politely ate it for her.  It'd be a shame to waste a perfectly good milkshake.  She still doesn't like all the dairy things the boys eat.  She went without it for so long, that she never developed a taste for some of it.  Milkshakes are not her thing.
Todd and I spent this afternoon cleaning out a flower bed.  It was overgrown with weeds - I really should have taken a "before" picture, but suffice it to say, it was a giant mess.  Todd also cut down one of the tall bushes thing, because clearly some pest had killed it.  This has become our Sunday ritual after church - yardwork.  The flower but-there's-no-flowers bed looks so much better cleared out and mulched.  We didn't quite finish the section, but that'll be next weekend's project.  Then we have the entire other side of the yard to work on.  We'll work until the mosquitoes begin.  We've been fortunate so far to not have many mosquitoes, but we know they're coming.
We're down to 8 more days of school.  We're counting down.  All of us.  :)

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