Sunday, May 6, 2018

Swatson's Signature and WAM Concert

Josiah has been into Garfield and Peanuts comic books lately.  He discovered them at the library and continues to check them out.  For one Garfield comic book, he tabbed about 25 pages that he wanted me to copy so he could color them in.  We did that a few weeks ago and he has enjoyed coloring them in.  But then he handed me a newer book and it had about 50 pages tabbed (we counted).  This put it at about $5, so I told him we could just go to Half Priced Books, buy an entire comic book for cheaper and he could just color the entire book.  So we did.  Josiah picked out a Garfield and a Peanuts book, and Henry picked out a three-in-one Garfield book.  And they've both enjoyed coloring them ever since.  It's the older kid version of a coloring book.

Of course, while we were there, Caroline wanted to look at the kid's section.  Usually they're in that section for a good half hour when I have to drag them out of it.  This time, Caroline was looking around and quickly said, "Oh! We can go now.  I found what I wanted."  What she found was a princess set with a tiara, necklace, gloves, wand, and rings.  She has loved it all.
Since this picture was taken not quite a week ago, a ring has now been lost (at church, where she was advised not to wear her jewelry), the jewel has come out of the necklace, the gloves got a tear in them that has been mended, and the other ring was lost in the house, but now found.

One night this week, Caroline wanted to read Green Eggs & Ham to Todd and I before bed.  The problem was, she didn't know the words.  So, I read the whole book to her first and then she wanted to read it back to us.  This is how her re-reading went:
"Would you like them in a house?
Would you like them with a mouse?"
[turns page]
[turns page]
"Would you like them with a fox?
Would you like them in a box?"
[turns page]
The book goes a bit faster when you don't have to read, "I would not eat them in a house, I would not eat them with a mouse.  I would not eat them in a box, I would not eat them with a fox.  I would not eat them here or there, I would not eat them anywhere."  Dr. Seuss should have just considered, "No!"

Tuesday we went a park with friends.  It is actually a YMCA summer camp place that is open to the public, so it was a huge place that had five separate playgrounds spread about with lots of open fields.  The weather forecast said it was to be overcast.  It was overcast with a bit of pouring rain sprinkled in.  That didn't stop any of the kids from playing however.  They were only disappointed the monkey bars got too slippery to cross.  We made the rounds to each of the playgrounds and the kids all got entirely filthy.  I mean they were covered head-to-toe in dirt.  You could just see all the dirt in their hair.  Dirt in the hair, smile on the face.
On Wednesday, the kids had their last WAM and Boys of Iron.  The church has started renovating certain areas, so instead of moving the kids to different rooms for the last night, they hired an illusionist to entertain them altogether in one giant room.  I wasn't in the room, but apparently Caroline and her friend volunteered to help with a trick.  When he put the microphone to their mouths, after asking their names, Caroline said she spoke very loudly into the microphone, "Caroline Cockrell!"  Josiah later told me he was embarrassed by her loudness.
To commemorate the beginning of the construction demo, all the kindergarten and first graders got to put their hand prints on a wall that was coming down.  They posted a photo and Henry told us which was his.  It was the blurry orange one because he tried to jump and smack his hand on the wall, leaving a big blur.  He was pretty pleased with himself.
Josiah got to go to another Skeeter's baseball game this weekend.  We were all originally going to go as a family because it was a Star War's theme, but this week has been particularly bad with the youngest two with regards to constant picking on each other/pushing/hitting/kicking/tripping/name calling/on and on and on.  Mid-week, we went to the ballpark to pick up the tickets for Saturday's game.  On the drive, Henry said that if he had known he wouldn't have been able to go to the game, he would have behaved.  So we got a nice little lesson about behaving because it's the right thing to do.  Speaking kindly because it's the right thing to do, not just because you get a baseball game out of it.  Caroline fights with her fists, Henry with his words.  Henry was melancholic that day, but it hasn't changed a whole lot in the bickering department since then.

So, Josiah got to go.  He was so excited because of the Star Wars theme.  They were giving out Swatson bobble-heads, but what Josiah was really excited for was Swatson's signature.  He brought a Sharpie to the park and waited in the line with the other kids and got him to sign his picture from the program.

Todd said that he watched a different, younger kid, try to get one of the players to sign a baseball card.  The player looked at the card and said, "That isn't me.  He's coming."  Apparently, quite a few on the team are sporting beards and they're a little hard to tell apart.

Josiah also got a Skeeter's helmet ice cream bowl.  He was a happy camper.
We finished today with our big WAM concert.  The theme was God of This City.  In all the years the boys have done WAM, they have never sung the songs on their own, either at home or in the car, as much as they have done this semester.  They were just really good songs.  All the kids seemed to enjoy them and they sang their hearts out.  I worked with the kindergarten class and we were impressed that they actually stood there and sang for the concert.  In every rehearsal we had, they were messing with the mics, stepping on the speakers, pulling their shirts up to show their bellies, putting their arms in their shirts, just about everything except paying attention.  It's always nice when they finish well and look and sing in the correct direction.  Caroline had been through several dress rehearsals with us, so she was pretty familiar with the concert.  She was singing and dancing to the music in her seat.  When we asked her what her favorite song was, she said, "The ballet-ers."  She really wants to do ballet.
After the WAM concert, we went out to Tutti Frutti.  It's a frozen yogurt shop where you serve yourself.  You put however much frozen yogurt you want into your bowl, and then add however many toppings you want.  We pretty much let the kids get what they wanted since this was a special occasion.  Caroline finished first.  Her bowl came in at 7.8 oz.  They boys bowls were past 14 oz. each.  It cost nearly $20 for three frozen yogurt cups because they were so generously filled.

Caroline's bowl was a bit smaller, but she still couldn't eat it all.
While they were eating their frozen yogurt, I saw coloring pages for the kids.  They could turn it in for a free glitter tattoo (oh joy), but it was also a contest and the top three prizes were $25 gift cards to Tutti Frutti.  I got three in hopes that they win because I think it's going to take a $25 gift card to get me back there.

We are on a mission to stop Caroline's thumb sucking.  I found a very bitter tasting nail polish that had tons of reviews on Amazon saying how well it worked.  So, one evening, after Caroline was fast asleep, I painted her thumb.  Actually, I just put a dab on her thumbnail because some of the reviews commented on the strength of the flavor.  The next morning I was watching her like a hawk.  She wasn't sucking her thumb at all, which was pretty good since she usually sucks it a bit in the morning as she's waking up.  Later that same day, she was drinking out of a tiny doll teacup and her thumb accidentally touched her mouth.  She clearly reacted to the taste, but blamed it on the teacup.  I was pretty impressed with how great it was working.  Then that evening, she started sucking her thumb and I just couldn't believe it - the taste didn't seem to be affecting her at all.  It was then I realized I had painted the wrong thumb.  How she can suck her right thumb for five years and I go and paint the left one is beyond me.  She's getting both painted tonight.  I'm making it fail proof.

And that was our week.  Coming up, we have our year end picnic with our CC group, which should make for a fun day.  I have to say, though, I'm looking forward to a week with completely nothing extra to do.  From the looks of the calendar, though, that'll come in July.

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