Sunday, September 23, 2018

Crazy Hair, Don't Care

Earlier this week the boys helped mow the lawn with me.  They came out to play originally, but it was just too hot to play for long.  Josiah went in the house (on his own accord!) and brought out a cold water bottle for me.  I had him hold the mower to keep it running while I took a sip.  He held it for half a second before he took off mowing.  I just let him go and watched the entertainment.  He mowed a bit like a Roomba Vacuum vacuums. - just sort if in his own random way.  He did straight lines, he did diagonals, all sorts of nonlinear patterns.  I think if I had let him keep going the lawn would have been mowed all the way, just not in the most efficient way. But I let him go so that he would enjoy the experience.  The experience that will be his as soon as he's strong enough to do it on his own.  After he was done, I went back and mowed a bunch of 2 inch x 30 feet strips of grass left behind.  Both boys helped sweep up all the grass on the sidewalks and driveway, too.  Everything they did was without me asking them.  It was wonderful.  Of course, about four hours later they did ask if any currency would be exchanged for such services.  We obliged. They actually got money out of both Todd and me because Todd didn't know I had given them some.
Josiah was in charge of lunches this week.  He had a Super Mario Bros./Mario Kart theme to start.  First he had Luigi in his kart, second day was a star (from the game), the third day was a dachshund dog (no relation to Mario), and the fourth day was so bad I didn't even take a picture (which is probably surprising considering how bad the lunches are that I have added here).  Thankfully all three kids have had their weeks and we are back to just sandwiches on a plate.

Right around mid-week, Todd left for work and texted me that we had water leaking in the front yard, which was exactly what I was hoping to hear at 7:00 a.m.  After calling our water company, the county came out and determined that the leak was on our side of the property.  I did have him shut the water off at that point so we weren't paying to water our sewer.  Then we called our friend the plumber.  Unfortunately they were not able to make it to our house until the following morning.  So, the boys each took a tree in the backyard and enjoyed the adventure of no working toilets.  It was actually a very good lesson about how much we use and rely on water!  Overall, it wasn't too bad because we had CC the following morning, so we were gone all day.  Fortunately, Todd was able to stay home that morning and wait for the plumber, so all was fixed by the time we made it home.  I think Caroline was the most disappointed that the boys couldn't use the outside toilet anymore.  She found it quite funny.     

Wednesday night, Caroline and I had finished with WAM and had an hour to kill while the boys were in Boys of Iron.  She was hungry.  It was too hot and too many mosquitoes to take a walk outside, so we did the next best thing.  We went to Taco Bell.  She ordered a crunchy taco.  I ordered a soft taco.  When the food arrived, she thought the soft taco looked a lot better, so we switched.  The boys were not happy we didn't get them a taco.
It was crazy hair night at Awana this week.  Awana has been going well.  Henry's plowing through his book as quickly as possible.  As parents we want him to memorize the Scripture passages and own them - to understand them and truly know them.  Henry wants to finish his book as quickly as possible so he can finish the extra credit book as quickly as possible so he can earn every possible prize that he can.  His one speed is often 100 mph.
This weekend Todd took the kids to run errands on Saturday morning.  They went to three different places together.  I went to one store by myself.  Ahhhhh.  One of us was in a good mood at lunch time.  Actually I spent a good bit of Saturday finally finishing painting the boys' room.  The trim was the last bit and we were just so busy last weekend that it didn't get done.  So, today we moved the boys' mattresses back in their bedroom.  We're trying out a new floor plan, too. It has been a big deal to them to move their bed from the north wall to the east wall.  When everything is put back we'll get some pictures.  That may be another few weeks.  I've learned that doing a project like this during the school year is not the best move.  Caroline also wants her room repainted - Pink! - but we will have to make that a Christmas break project.

Henry drew a pool picture today.  I thought he did a really good job making it look like people were swimming.
Caroline drew a picture of the two of us.  She wanted me to have a mole/freckle on my neck like she has on hers.  
And that was our week.  This coming week we have a field trip to a nature discovery center, plus an afternoon at a trampoline place, so that should be fun.  

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