Sunday, September 9, 2018

I'm Sorry I Tried to Kill You in Your Dream

Todd was home for Labor Day Monday, so we had a nice, albeit rainy, day together.  He went to the store and surprised the kids with mug cakes.  These were the one-minute cakes that bake in a coffee mug in the microwave.  They were all well received, despite their trying to eat them while they were still piping hot.  The kids always like it when he goes to the store, because he'll buy things that they know I would never buy.
Caroline spent some time on Tuesday writing out her menu for the week:
At first I didn't think I would really try to accommodate her list, but at second glance it didn't seem all that difficult.  So, we made her menu dreams come true.

Henry said he's making a list for this coming week that includes New England Patriots, football, Tom Brady, touchdown, and a couple of other things.  I kind of hope he does make the list because we mess with him all the time about being a Patriots' fan instead of a Texans'.  I've got my Tom Brady meal all ready, complete with "Tom Brady tears."  Todd is always teasing Henry about Tom Brady tears after he lost the last Super Bowl.

Henry led the kids in making "here" and "away" signs for the school room.  He said he made them so I would know if they were "here" or "away" from the school table.  Now, I thought that merely looking at the table and seeing an empty chair might give me the same information, however, I do appreciate the extra signage.  Henry, I see you are away from the school table.  Please come back and complete your school work.
Henry's Here & Away:
Caroline's Here & Away:
Caroline's Here & Away that she made for me:
Josiah's Here & Away:

Henry has also expanded the genres of books he will check out from the library.  He has always made a beeline for the 790's: Sports.  This past visit, he turned around and looked at the shelf opposite the football books, the 610's, the communicable and contagious diseases section.  He picked out books on the Black Plague, Typhoid Mary, as well as Penicillin which to many is a wonderful medicine, but to Henry it's a hive-producing allergenic.  Just tonight Todd read Henry, Penicillin before bed, while in another room, I ready Typhoid Mary to Josiah.  Sweet dreams.  I told Henry that he should do his CC presentation on penicillin and bring in a baby picture of him covered in hives from its effects.  His tutor is a doctor, she'd probably love it!

Henry made some pretty important life decisions this week.  Driving home from karate one afternoon, Henry noticed a sign that said, "Drink and Drive. Go to Jail."  This elicited a conversation as to what that meant, don't drink and drive.  So I tried to explain alcohol and how it can affect the brain and response time and you could cause an accident and injure another.  There were many questions back and forth about it.  Henry finished the conversation with, "I think I'll drink and drive when I'm older, but just not alcohol.  I'll drink milk or water."  All I could picture was an adult Henry being pulled over by the police, "Excuse me sir, but is that chocolate milk I smell on your breath?" 

Caroline has had a big week because Awana started back up and she has moved up to Sparks.  She doesn't have her vest yet, but she wore red that night to fully support the color of Sparks.
She was nervous to go at first, and a little disappointed.  Part of her wanted to stay back in Cubbies because they got snack time.  But another part was excited to see what the bigger kids did.  Her friend greeted her as soon as she walked in, so that made it even better.  Then at pick up time, the leader said, "She's another one that can entertain us all."  Caroline had clearly grown comfortable and potentially could have been a bit of a loud, talkative child.  Potentially.  Henry said he was on her team in game time and sat next to her during counsel time.  I'm glad he took care of her for her first day.

Caroline was a big helper making cheesy eggs for dinner one night.  The kids like to watch Food Network and all the kid baking championships.  Then they think if those kids can bake/cook, they should be able to do it, too.  So there are many times that they ask to help in the kitchen.  I can only handle one sous chef at a time, so they have to do shift work.
The boys had a birthday party to go to this afternoon, so Todd, Caroline and I got to go out together.  We walked around a few stores.  Caroline danced with Elsa at Bed, Bath, & Beyond, and stopped for a foot massage.

She scared herself in the Halloween displays.
We went out to eat together.
We even made it back to the party a little early, because they said if we came back early, Caroline could have some birthday cake, too.  She happily partook.  The boys were so worn out after the party that we had an early bedtime around here.

This weekend, Todd's glasses came in, so now he can see clearly again (at least far away).  He's pretty happy to have them, especially the sunglasses.  Yeah.  Now he can read the road signs.
Finally, I had to apologize for my behavior in Caroline's dream.  She came downstairs one morning looking all forlorn.  She sat down beside me and when I asked what was wrong she said she had a bad dream.  She then went on to describe how she and I jumped a fence into water to get away from bad parents.  Then in the water, I let her drown.  [At this point I started to apologize, but she said she wasn't finished.]  Apparently, I then got a gun and shot at her.  [I began my apology again...but she wasn't done.]  My shot missed her.  End of dream.  So, I apologized profusely that I basically tried to kill her two ways in her dream.  I don't know if I send off bad vibes or what, but Todd has had quite a few dreams of his own where I've asked for a divorce and I once dreamed I shot Todd in the leg.  I don't even handle guns....

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