Sunday, November 4, 2018

HBU Football

We did Halloween a little differently this year.  We went over to a friend's house for lunch and playing time.  After lunch, she had made sugar cookies for the kids to decorate.

We left our friend's house to go to karate.  It had been a very rainy day up to that point.  While we were driving to karate, it turned into heavy rain storms, and then my phone alerted me of a tornado alert and to "seek shelter immediately."  That was comforting.  We finally made it to karate, albeit late.  It was one of those times that we should have just stayed home.

Since Halloween had been so rainy, and apparently, tornado-ridden, I asked Todd to stop on the way home from work to pick up a bag of candy and we could trick-or-treat in the house like usual.  But right around trick-or-treating time, the rain let up.  Todd and I had previously talked about letting the kids go out in the neighborhood, so we went through with it.  We sat them on the couch and laid out proper trick-or-treating etiquette.  Josiah was really excited and went to get his costume on, Caroline was excited and went to put her costume on, Henry stayed back and started crying.  Our sentimental little guy likes when we do the trick-or-treating upstairs.  It was so sweet.  What could we do, but both.  Josiah was Han Solo (Todd corrected my spelling from last week. Apparently he's not German, Hans.), Henry was the Astros' Carlos Correa, and Caroline was a mermaid.  They had fun walking around the neighborhood.  (I don't think we've been missing much by not doing Halloween.) 

Josiah, wide-eyed, because he got a full size candy bar.
After inspecting their candy for meth and razor blades, we did our trick-or-treating upstairs.  Todd and I took a bedroom each and used whatever props we could find in each room to become "funny" characters when they knocked on the door.  They made out double.
Todd and I noted the number of peanut butter cups each child had and how nice it would be to eat one.  Each boy shared one with us.  Sweet baby Caroline took a proper count of her candy and in no way, shape, or form was going to let one of her beloved peanut butter cups leave her possession.

At CC this week, our science experiment was to dissect a crayfish.  I was sitting in Caroline's room that day, so I got to do the lesson with eight 5-6 year olds.  It definitely smelled like crayfish.  We thought the class would be squeamish, but for the most part, they all examined the crayfish and poked at it a lot.  We didn't dissect it per se, except for one girl who kept amputating all the legs and eyes.
Caroline kept this sort of face during her time with her crayfish.
Saturday morning I took Henry to get a haircut.  He's been asking for quite a while now to get his hair cut because he wanted the front to spike up.  He has a couple of friends in church with spiky hair.  At first it looked like she had just given him a buzz cut and he didn't have a smile on his face, but then she got out the mousse and spiked that hair right up.  He immediately smiled.
Later that day on Saturday, Todd took all the kids to the HBU football game.  He had only been given 4 tickets, so sadly I had to stay home.  Clearly it was a packed stadium, so it was best I stayed home.  Besides I had to run to the store and pick up some mousse for Henry.
At one point Todd texted me that the HBU Elite Dancers were on the field dancing.  All five of them.  That's what happens when you attend a small, private college.
The kids had fun.  I had fun.  Todd was worn out.

We have a short week of school coming up.  Friday is going to be a Teacher Work Day, which in the homeschooling world is a day to clean the whole house.  I'm sure the student body will be thrilled. 

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