Friday, November 9, 2018

Owl Pellets Revisited

Caroline began her week well.  She had a friend from CC invite her to the trampoline park to celebrate her birthday.  They had the whole trampoline park to themselves, just the four of them.  It was a drop-off thing, so the boys and I ran errands, but came back a little early.  Josiah reminded me that I had promised they could do the wind tunnel the next time we went to the trampoline park.  It's amazing what they have the ability to remember when it's something they like.  Both boys stepped into the hurricane booth.  When it started, they were as different as night and day.  Henry never let go of the door handle and kept cracking the door open.  He did not smile, but he made it through (on his own volition).  Josiah, behind him, was dancing around and throwing his arms up in the hurricane force winds the entire time.  Face in the wind, giant grin.

We had daylight savings time last weekend.  I didn't think it had affected the kids because that Sunday morning, they all woke up around their usual 6:00/6:30 a.m. time.  Apparently it must have taken a few days to mess with their systems.  Josiah woke me up one morning, a few days later, to tell me he finished Tom Sawyer (kid's illustrated version).  "What?!!  What time is it?"  He checked the clock and said, "5:00."  My next question was, "What time did you wake up?"  4:15 a.m. 4:15 a.m.!!  I told him that if I ever woke up at 4:15 a.m., I would look at the clock and get a grin on my face because it meant I could get some more sleep.  Not Josiah.  When he's awake, he's awake.

While the boys were at karate, Caroline and I had to pick up a few things at the store.  We passed by her section.  Mermaid tails and sparkles.  She wanted them all.
For science at CC this week, the kids dissected owl pellets.  Basically an owl eats rodents, lizards, and other birds whole.  Their first stomach, with a big long name, digests as much of the animal as it can, leaving behind bones, feathers, and fur/hair.  Once that gets full enough, the owl regurgitates the perfectly oval shaped pellet of tightly compacted hair/fur/bones.  Each child got their own pellet to pick through and try to match the bones they found to their chart of rodent/bird bones.  There were many hip bones, scapula, and skulls with teeth still attached.  It was cool for most of the kids.  It was cool for their physician tutor and our nurse director.  It was slightly less cool for the other mom and I who were a bit more grossed out by the mice teeth.  Needless to say, at lunch time, we didn't eat at those tables, despite the heavy sanitizing that took place.  I was with Henry's class during the dissection, but one of the other moms relayed that when Josiah's class did it, he jumped up from his seat because he was certain the pellet moved on its own and there was still something very much alive in it.  In all the dissections we've done in CC over the years, Josiah has never been a fan of any of them.  He's a language arts kid if there ever was one.
The kids were surprised by another package from their Aunt Cheryl & Uncle Phillip.  Caroline got her very own matryoshka doll.  I was internally very happy because she always likes to take mine apart and play with them.  I always worry that they'll have one drop too many and crack or break.  So, now she has her very own to play with!  The boys were very excited to get giant boxing gloves.  When the rain stops, they shall have a lot of fun knocking each other out in the backyard.
That was our week.  The week ahead should one filled with memories galore!

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