Sunday, June 16, 2019

Security Check

Early this week we boarded a plane to Virginia.  Texas wasn't quick to let Josiah go, because after going through the metal detector three times, setting off the alarm each time, they said he had been selected for a random security search.  Really?  A ten-year-old?  They said I could watch.  You bet I will.  They swabbed his hands which set off another alarm.  I have no idea what it detected, but it caused the agent to freak a little and go find a higher up.  Since he was a minor, they swabbed my hands, swabbed both our back packs and both our suitcases.  Everything came back clean, but Josiah was a little freaked out.  He had to make a few trips to the bathroom after that.  Our morning flight got delated due to 'crew rest,' which reduced our 1 hour 10 minute layover down to 30 minutes.  Our first flight was going to land at 11:27 and our next flight was set to board at 11:25.  Not ideal for Atlanta.  So I checked with the gate agent, and miraculously she was able to move all four of us from row 30 to row 13 so we could book it off the flight.  And book it we did, from Terminal D to Terminal B and we made it to the next flight. Since we couldn't stop for a bathroom break, we used the one on the plane.  Caroline had never used an airplane bathroom before and was nervous to do so, though she really needed it.  So, the two of us squeezed into the bathroom together.  We were both relieved to get back to our seats and fly the remaining leg.  It was great to fly to Virginia - we were there by early afternoon, however the kids were sad we didn't drive.  They were looking forward to hotels, fast food, and Josiah, in particular, missed the hotel hot chocolate.  Drive for two days and get mediocre hot chocolate?  Or fly for half a day?  Hmmm.

The kids have been having a great time catching up with Grandad and Nana.  They have ridden their bikes daily and gone down the driveway in the wagon what seems like dozens of times.  We discovered that my phone camera had hyperlapse as well as slow-motion capabilities so we've made a ton of videos of them riding their bikes ridiculously fast or incredibly slow.  They have found them all hilarious.  When we first arrived Henry tried to convince me that he should go to bed at 9 p.m. every night since that would be equivalent to 8 p.m. Central Time.  He wasn't that convincing since he likes to wake up at 6 a.m. every morning here (really 5 a.m. his body time).  It only took a day of tons of outside play before he was passing out at 8 p.m. anyway.  He plays so hard he couldn't stay up til 9 if he tried.
We've been able to catch up with friends, too.  One day we went to the Virginia Living Museum with friends we haven't seen in two years.  I wasn't sure how it would go for the kids since it had been so long.  Caroline couldn't even remember their names (even still has trouble after playing twice).  However, the older ones just picked up right where they left off.  That is a sign of great friends.  They had a ton of fun together.  I enjoyed talking to their mom!
The next day we met them again as well as other friends for some fun at a playground.  It was great.  The moms were able to talk and catch up while the kids made up all sorts of boat games.  The only one who didn't always get in the mix was Caroline because, "there's bugs."  She's not a nature girl.  
We've colored, played Bingo, played games on phones, played pool, read books, played a ton of baseball out back.  Grandaddy let all the kids help him change the oil on the lawnmower and then gave them their traditional rides around the yard.  The kids always look forward to these traditions.  Grandad and Nana also got the kids a microscope and telescope kit.  Josiah has tried to see Nana's flower petals in the microscope and he's made efforts to see the moon, but we're not late night people.  We may have to wait until the days get shorter to catch a good sighting of the moon through the telescope.
Henry has spent a few mornings trying to recreate the profile portrait of Todd as a kid.  He did a really good job.  Way better than I could have done.
The kids have loved all of Nana's meals - pork chops, pot roast, spaghetti.  When they pray before dinner they always pray, "And I hope the food is good."  And it's been great.  They also have a newfound love for Klondike bars.  Caroline can dig a Reese's Klondike bar.

It has been a good first week.  Next week the kids have been invited to do laser tag, so the boys can't wait.  Caroline, not so much.  

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