Sunday, June 2, 2019

Socks and Swim

The kids were really excited to get back into swim lessons.  It's been so hot and they've been asking to go to the pool for months now (just waiting for it to open...).  This time around I put the boys in one class and Caroline in a different, lower-level class.  I wasn't sure what she would remember from last year.  We didn't exactly practice all year long like I had intended.  It turns out she remembered a lot.  They had her swimming on her back and kicking off from the wall.  She did really well.  She didn't sink!  She still needs to learn how to breathe when she's swimming face down.  She tends to drink a lot of water still.  Josiah did amazingly well.  He swam freestyle like he hadn't missed a beat.  He breathed well and everything.  And then there's our athletic little guy Henry.  He can throw any ball like a boss, but when it comes to swimming, he forgot all of his skills from last year.  He tried to do freestyle, but every time he took a breath to the side, he put his foot down and stood.  So, as long as the water doesn't exceed 3.5 feet, he can 'swim.'  As the week went on, he did well with the dolphin move (I'm assuming it transitions them to the butterfly stroke).  It's just the whole breathing thing that's got him in a bind.

Caroline had her fourth math test this week.  She crushed it.  She likes math a lot, but was nervous to take the test because she does not like to fail.  She's our kid that chooses the winning team after they've already won because she doesn't want to be wrong.  
We had a get-together with our CC group at one of their houses this week.  This particular friend has a dog, Lola, whom Josiah loves.  He spent the morning making a "Lola's #1 Fan" t-shirt.  Josiah also said that he loves these types of parties/get-togethers because the food is always unsupervised.  He no doubt took advantage of the lack of supervision.  Henry, on the other hand, was so busy playing that when we left he said he hadn't eaten anything.  Seven of us moms all played Taboo together which was very fun.  I made sure I was on the super competitive mom's team because it was a guarantee win.  ;) 

There were plenty of costumes at this party.  Josiah tried on his fair share.  He looks so young and so old all at the same time.

I succumbed to my age this weekend and bought reading glasses from Costco.  I feel like I only need them sometimes, when the print is really small or it's early in the morning...or late at night...  I tried on a friend's glasses last week and was amazed at the clarity of the written word.  So, I picked up a pair, actually three pairs because it's Costco.  Upon trying them on for the first time, Henry nonchalantly mentioned, "You look like Grandma."  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

We are on week two of "sock watch."  A few months back I decided that if they wanted their socks washed, they needed to be ready to wash - not bunched up in a ball, not inside out, etc.  When they do not come in proper condition, I toss them into a pile in our hallway.  Being in the hallway meant they would pass by them several times a day and, being the observant kids that they are, they would put the socks in laundry-ready condition.  That hasn't exactly happened.  Instead they have passed by the sock pile several times a day and have totally ignored it.  We're on week two of ignoring it.  I've checked their drawers and they should all run out of socks this week.  God forbid they complain about it.  Child!  Thy socks!
This is our last week of school.  Instead of doing all the subjects as I had intended, we're just going to do math and reading.  The kids don't know that yet, but I really need some time to get things done before our trip east.  The summer reading programs have already begun, so we can take advantage of that incentive to get some extra reading in.

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