Sunday, November 8, 2020

Laser Lights

This week we have been studying the digestive system.  We've started at the top and are working our way down.  It's been so interesting that we've slowed our reading down so we can do more experiments.  One day we were learning about mechanical (chewing) and chemical digestion in our mouths.  To see the chemical digestion in action, the kids each put half an oyster cracker on their tongue, found a mirror, and then camped out. They were watching for the enzyme amylase to break down the cracker without chewing.  They sat for about 20 minutes in front of mirrors before they really couldn't take it anymore, but they did experience the cracker breaking down some.  

Then we learned about the esophagus and stomach.  We learned why it isn't good to talk with your mouth full of food.   To simulate the stomach breaking down our food, they each got a piece of bread in a Ziploc bag half-full of water.  They squeezed the bread all around and in no time at all it was mush.  This one was actually kind of gross because it really looked like stomach contents and we quickly disposed of the baggies.  We've been learning a ton about the human body and are always amazed to see how it all works together so flawlessly.  

For his presentation at CC this week, Josiah sang Yellow Submarine by the Beatles.  I was actually outside with Caroline's class at the same time his class was doing their presentations outside, so I heard him across the church yard.  I love that he has no fear to sing a song in front of his peers.  He even threw in a few drum beats when appropriate.  Meanwhile, Caroline played Mary Had a Little Lamb on her tin whistle for her class.  She was very eager to show her skills.  

After CC we went to a nearby playground with friends.  The weather here has been amazing.  Mid-70s to low-80s.  Less humidity.  It's been really great.  We've been sending the kids out to play a lot.  They spent nearly all of Saturday outside with the neighborhood kids.  They wanted to play inside, but that usually devolves into watching Netflix or some other media.  I made them stay outside and every now and then I peeked at them from the window.  They were making up games and roller blading and having fun.  Old school fun.  

One day this week we had a package from Amazon arrive at our doorstep.  It was so huge I figured it must have been something sent to us - I knew I hadn't bought anything quite that large.  We opened it up and found one umbrella and one Lego kit (both of which we ordered).  What possessed some warehouse computer to think we needed a box that can hold all three of our children is beyond me.  However, Caroline is loving it.  She's taken it over, written a keypad on the exterior and she changes the password daily so that only she may enter.  She really loves that it's a safe spot from Benson's licking and jumping.  He is too scared to enter the box.

Henry and Caroline have also been having a lot of fun with Benson this week.  They discovered that he loves to chase after a laser much like a cat.  He attacks the light and bangs his nose into the ground trying to get it.  We've had to make them shine it on the carpets so that he doesn't injure his muzzle.  I also slightly fear that they'll make him so dizzy or run him so crazy that he'll loose his lunch.   Yet whenever Caroline stopped playing with the light, Benson would bark at her to continue.   Crazy dog.  He turned 9 months old today.  

Just a regular week around here.

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