Sunday, November 15, 2020

Picture Day

It was a very unexciting, routine week around here.  Caroline began learning cursive a couple of weeks ago.  We use Pentime books and after she completed the first two manuscript books, she started the "Transition" book this fall.  I thought by 'transition' that there would really be a transition process to cursive.  But alas, she went from straight script on pg. 35 to straight cursive on pg. 36.  She has been learning how to form the individual letters, so I guess that was their transition process.  It has proven to be very challenging for her.  It used to be that she could do her handwriting lessons on her own and I would just check them.  Now we sit together and work through each page.  Her favorite letter so far is the lowercase 'f.'  She's a fan of swoops and loops.  She was previously unable to read anything in cursive, so she's made definite improvements now in being able to read short words.  She feels a big sense of accomplishment when she completes each page and sees her work.  

In CC this week we had picture day.  Henry's tutor's husband is a high school football coach, runs a catering business, and has his own photography business.  So he came as our in-the-flesh Olan Mills photography studio.  Our kids dressed up in their picture day best.  Henry's outfit, though appearing casual, was very well thought out.  He chose his favorite Nike shirt that has a camo swoosh as well as his favorite pair of black shorts.  He did comb his hair, but his hair has always had a mind of its own.  Caroline saved her Mermaid Squad shirt especially for picture day and she accessorized with a headband.  Josiah came down in his usual Alex. P. Keaton three piece suit.  Halfway through CC, Josiah lamented "Why do I always have to be so stylish" because he was very hot and hadn't brought any clothes to change into.  

As we got in the car to leave CC that day, Josiah was sitting tired and dis-shelved in his seat.  He asked me to take a picture of him because he thought he looked really good.  I took it, he asked to look at it, and then confirmed that, yeah, he looked really good.  

Looking good.

Josiah's pattern in the mornings is to come downstairs, find a spot at the table, and read.  He does this bare-chested, wearing only his p.j. shorts regardless of the temperature.  If he should happen to get too cold, he'll don a jacket.  Yet he doesn't exactly sit in the chair to read.  He balances on his tippy toes, sideways, with half his body weight off of the chair.  Every day he sits like this.  Most meals are eaten this way and we are forever asking him to sit in his chair.  Sit.  On your bum.  

We bought Benson another dog bed after he decimated the cover off of his old one.  Technically it was supposed to be his Christmas present but we have felt bad seeing him lie on the hard floor all the time.  We got him one that is more hammock style which seemed cooler which is good for our climate.  It also seemed like it would be harder to tear apart.  Fingers crossed.  He sniffed it out for several hours before fully venturing on the bed.  Then it took a bit longer for him to sit and finally lie on it.  Right now he's sleeping peacefully on it, so we're happy for him to be more comfortable.  

We have one more week of CC before our Thanksgiving break.  This week we are planning on staying outside for all of the morning lessons.  Several of the church's staff have tested positive for COVID.  We do not actually have any contact with the staff as they stay on a different side of the building, but just as a precaution, we're going to stay outside as much as possible.  I am personally praying for a nice overcast 75° day.

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