Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pink Bike with Streamers

Benson began his week with a joyous celebration of cone freedom.  Todd took his cone off before leaving for work Monday morning and Benson was a happy little dog.  He spent the first 10 minutes scratching and licking every area of his body.  With the cone, he avoided the stairs almost completely, but as soon as it was off he became a frequent upstairs traveler.  He's gotten into all the same trouble as before - he can jump up to get our shoes from the top of his crate.  He will get into any room that has not been properly sealed off.  We took him to the vet mid-week for his yearly check-up and they said he was one healthy dog.  His bite marks have healed nicely and he got his shots up to date.  He spent the rest of the day sleeping it off.  I think the one thing he regrets about his cone was that he got meatballs and muffins stuffed with medicine twice a day.  That has all abruptly stopped and he hasn't been as eager to eat his dry dog food.  He has often walked over to his food, sniffed it, and walked away. 

The vet also gave Benson a rabies tag for his collar.  We put it on and it looked so good.  Now he jingles wherever he goes so no more sneaking around for him.  He also got the cutest Get Well Soon card from Todd's cousin Cheryl.  The kids have read it to him often and he has licked his approval.

I was not feeling so great at the beginning of the week.  (Not covid, I checked.)  On Tuesday, I slept in til 11:00 a.m.  Woke up, acknowledged the time, and went back to sleep til noon.  This is not something I do frequently, but was glad to note that the kids were capable of feeding themselves and a few of them even did some of their school work.  (While one chose to do their full math lesson and handwriting, another chose to copy their ten spelling words and call it a day.)  They texted me a menu of options for room service.  When I finally got out of bed and made my way downstairs, I did have Josiah make me toast and he did a great job.  We didn't get a lot of school done that day, but that was okay.  By the following day I was on the mend.  

Henry had his Memory Master dinner this week.  Todd took him this year.  The kids sat at one table and tried to play a few games before eating.  The cake had a picture of all the memory master kids from the last day of CC.  Henry had a very nice time.  

To relieve the stresses of their academic work, the kids took to sumo wrestling mid-week.  After lots of wrestling type moves to try and take their opponent to the floor, we told the kids that sumo wasn't wrestling.  The objective was to push the competitor outside of the sumo circle.  Ohhhhhh.   Then they pushed.  But they don't have big-mass sumo bodies, so their pushes were a little too sharp and aggressive.  We called the match.  

Lately, Caroline has been asking me if Daddy is the only boy who ever liked me.  I told her I figured so.   She's been asking me lots of questions about who liked me (apparently not many...) and what I wore when I was a kid/teenager.  These questions have been going on all week and one day we were out in the car and there was someone walking along wearing baggy pants and a big t-shirt.  I pointed the person out to Caroline and said, "That's the sort of thing I wore in high school."  to which Caroline replied, "I can see why no other boy wanted you."  Yeeeaah... 

Caroline had a great end to her week.  She has been bike shopping online.  She had very specific requirements - pink, purple, or rainbow.  It HAD to have streamers hanging from the handle bars.  She didn't want a blue bike with pink accents.  She wanted pink to be the primary color.  We looked at several stores.  Local bike shops had crazy expensive kid bikes and none fit the pink-sparkle-streamer criteria.  We ended up finding the perfect bike.  A Huffy.  It was just what she wanted.  She begged Todd to put it together after work one evening and immediately took it out for a spin.  She was ecstatic to see the streamers fly.

I was gone all day on Saturday for a practicum with our homeschool community.  Todd kept the kids on the move.  They did jiu-jitsu, (showered and changed), and then headed out to the pet resort where Benson will stay for a few weeks this summer.  It is a really nice place - very clean.  It is on 14 acres, but the dogs have 3 acres.  They're out in the grass all day.  They check to see if your dog can be with other dogs or needs it's own 'walk.'  They have two pools.  Todd said that even each of their smaller, individual walks have a kiddie pool in it with a beach umbrella for shade.  They are nice digs.  Benson should enjoy his time there.  After checking that out, they went out to eat.  They texted me a picture of them eating out.

I texted them back a picture of me eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Caroline laughed. 

So I texted back a picture of a chocolate I had gotten from the practicum.  Caroline, not so happy.

Then, to keep them on the move, Todd brought the kids to a pet store. Henry reminded him that he never got to pick out a toy for Benson, so he got him a long rubber toy that you should throw in lieu of a stick when playing fetch.  Caroline picked out a new collar for him. It is a lighter turquoise sort of color (you can see it in the picture of Josiah, Benson, and his get well soon card).  Josiah got him treats.  They also got a tag engraved with his name and our phone numbers.  They had a great time.  Now Josiah wants a hamster.  I think that would be a great pet for your first apartment.

How I'm feeling right about now.

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