Sunday, October 9, 2022

Emoting at the Dentist

Henry started out the week by earning a new stripe on his jiu-jitsu belt.  This was his first yellow stripe.  Two more and he moves up a belt.  

One afternoon early in the week, Henry finished his school work, and instead of burning off energy like he normally does, he sat on the floor with a dry erase board.  When he was finished, he presented his creation to me with pride.  I noticed he drew me and all my favorite things: coffee, school/math, and my family.  Then upon closer inspection, I read the shirt he had drawn.  "My fav son is Henry!"  Oh, Henry.  He is endlessly trying to get me to say he's my favorite.  Often, he'll tell me to say his name on the count of three.  Then, when he reaches 'three,' he'll quickly say "is my favorite" when I say "Henry."  His one regret about his picture was that he wrote "son" instead of "child."

The kids and I had a dentist appointment this week.  We got there early, so instead of waiting in the office, we hung out in the downstairs lobby of the building.  It was empty, so the kids came up with a game.  It was based on charades, but instead they did Fortnite emotes and we had to guess which one they were doing.  It was quite a show.  

The dentist appointment was successful and cavity-less.  My favorite kind.  

In CC this week, we made sun prints.  Caroline got discouraged when her class made their sun prints.  Everyone was using the letters to spell their names and she couldn't find enough of the same type to spell hers.  She was given the option to do it at lunch with all the letters at her disposal and she jumped at that chance.  Hers turned out well.  

Henry made a tree.  Unfortunately the prints his class made did not turn out as boldly as the others.  They even tried again at lunch and had the same issue.  All the other classes turned out correctly, so we're not sure what happened.  It didn't bother Henry any.  He just used a Sharpie to outline his tree.  

In class, Caroline told car jokes for her presentation.  

    What car likes to run into things?                              A Ram.

    What car never gets into an accident?                        A Dodge.

    Why did the taxi driver lose his job?            Because he kept driving his customers away.  

She told nine jokes and when she finished her presentation, she closed it with, Thank you for listening to my presentation.  Any questions?  It was then that all her classmates raised their hands.  Zero questions, but they all had jokes they wanted to tell.  

The church where we meet for CC had their annual pumpkin patch and most classes went out to take pictures.  

Todd thought it would be funny to bring a cake home on Thursday to celebrate Elisabeth Shue's birthday.  She is his favorite 80s actress.  As we enjoyed it, Caroline said, "Mom! Dad is savoring it!"  Truer words had not been spoken.  He most definitely was savoring it.  

The boys enjoyed more cake when they went to a birthday party this weekend.  The party was for a friend from jiu-jitsu.  Josiah drew him a picture of Peely (from Fortnite), but put him in a jiu-jitsu gi in the same style as the birthday boy.  He even got the belt stripes correct.  What was more impressive was that Josiah drew the whole picture in the car while driving to Latin class.  

While the boys partied it up, we took Caroline out to eat.  After dinner, we stopped by a new store called Cinnaholic recommended by none other than her dental hygienist.  Caroline chose the peanut butter explosion cinnamon bun.  It took her several days to finish it because it was so sweet. (It looked way better in person.  The picture doesn't do it justice at all.) 

And that was our week.  I did see a really wonderful meme this week.  It spoke my language.  

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