Sunday, October 16, 2022

From Bounce to Bed

Henry and Caroline were able to spar at jiu-jitsu this week.  It was the end of class and they were doing 1-minute rounds.  Everyone had already fought with their partners, so they were allowing the kids to pick a different opponent to fight.  Henry and Caroline decided to have a go of it.  Caroline came for him as soon as they said, Combate.  In the end, Henry got the more dominant position, but Caroline fought.

The kids revitalized their Bounce game this week.  Josiah worked on a new logo incorporating the tennis ball and hats that they use to play.  He got worn out from the artistic contribution, so Henry and Caroline played the game.  They explained the rules to me again before they played a round.  Caroline celebrated when she got a ball past Henry.   

Josiah was looking for more to draw and found inspiration in old children's books.  He drew his favorite scene from Frog and Toad - when the ice cream melted on Toad's walk home.  My favorite story is the one with the cookie jar and Josiah drew that next.   Later in the week he got his SkippyjonJones books out and drew him.  

Between every activity, every subject, maybe even between every math problem, Caroline likes to snuggle with Benson.  She cannot get enough of his soft ears.  She is hugging on him constantly.  He is a very good and patient dog.  One day she stayed still long enough for Benson to sleep head to head.  She was very proud of herself.  

In school we did a science experiment on the heat of fusion and vaporization, or as we laymen call it, melting ice.  We have been learning a lot about thermal energy, conduction, and convection.  Caroline was our ice stirrer.  Josiah was our temperature taker.  Henry was our time keeper and data collector.  Our goal was to get the ice from 0°C to 100°C (or close to it).  We went from 3°C to 92°C but couldn't get it past that.  We also used a meat thermometer because we didn't have a scientific one, so that may have affected things.  The kids got to see how the temperature did not rise at a continuous rate and why.  

At CC this week, we had picture day.  Josiah set out his clothes the night before.  Despite it being a hot day, he chose a full ensemble with long-sleeve dress shirt, vest, and sports jacket.   

One mom was in the room while his class was getting ready for their picture and got a shot of Josiah modeling his GQ pose.  

In the afternoon, Caroline had math games.  This time it was a multiplication relay race.  Caroline was not too happy to be on the girls' team because, as she stated, the boys were faster.  Then, when the boys won two rounds in a row, Caroline said they cheated.  

We went from a good week to a sick weekend.  Henry started not feeling well in the middle of the night on Friday.  He laid on the couch for the next two days with a fever, a very sore throat, and a myriad of other symptoms.  We were prepared to get him a strep test this morning, but he woke up feeling a good bit better.  Because he was still recovering, Josiah and I went to church alone.  On the drive home, Josiah laid in the backseat saying he didn't feel well.  Now he's feverish and in bed, so it'll be me and the girl doing school tomorrow.  Josiah is determined it will only be a two-day virus because he has things to do this week.  Yearbook meetings and a church retreat!

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