Sunday, June 4, 2023

Introducing, The Bleatles!

We had breakfast-for-dinner earlier in the week.  French toast.  The kids asked if they could use confectioner's sugar instead of syrup.  I clearly said, "Only if it is a dusting and not a blizzard."  They were in the dining room.  I was in the kitchen.  Apparently, we have lived in Texas too long and they do not know the definitions of snow accumulation.  

It is already hot enough for all the summer activities.  We headed back to the neighborhood pool this week.  Obligatory photo taken. 

The kids did all the things - flips and headstands, carrying each other in the water, cannonballs and 3-to-an-innertube.  Then they tried a double piggy back.  We left just as the lifeguard trainees were getting ready to do their swim tests.  

Henry finally got his Dairy Queen for earning Memory Master.  In years past, we would stop at Dairy Queen after he finished his tutor proof - the longest proof, but not the final proof.  This year we ended up driving friends back and forth from CC that day and never made it to DQ.  Henry never let me forget that he hadn't received his proofing reward.  The other two kids were happy to partake in the celebration.  

We got the DQ after the boys finished up their first summer Bible study.  It was led by their favorite student pastor and they both had a very good time at their first meeting.  Apparently this meeting was more of a get-to-know-you.  They got into a discussion as to whether pineapple should be on pizza or not.  There were some strong opinions on the topic.  Josiah was a firm, no.  Henry was non-committal.  He said that since he has never had pineapple on pizza, he could not definitively say whether it was good or not, and that everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on this topic, so his opinion should not influence another.  He was very diplomatic about the whole thing.  Josiah commented, That's not how you are at home.  Truth.  Their leader said he'd have to get both pineapple and non-pineapple pizzas next time to settle the debate.  

Josiah spent a lot of time this week working on a new creation - The Bleatles.  They're like the Beatles, but they're sheep.  He started with one album cover.  

Then he tried to do all the album covers.

Caroline tapped her creative juices as well and completed her collage kit that she got for her birthday.  She had created many collages on her floor since her birthday, but we hadn't gotten around to getting them on the wall.  Instead of taping them directly to the wall, we taped them to a super thick posterboard.  She was very happy to get it hung up.  She's been into rearranging her room as well.  She has big plans for a new space this summer.    

Henry earned himself another stripe this week.  It is fun to see the kids inch up on their professor.

This weekend, the boys have been packing for camp.  They'll be away all next week.  Both boys are excited, but with a good bit of nervousness thrown in.  They've never been away this long before. Henry and Caroline went to this same camp last year, so Henry has some familiarity with it.  They should have a good time.  One evening, they are having a disco party and Josiah is very eager to sport his 70s duds.  Benson sniffed all that they were packing and then hopped up on the bed to supervise the rest.    

We got Fat Boys pizza again.  Instead of the regular sized pizzas, we opted for the 30" pizza.  It was huge.  For a crust fan, that was a lot of pizza to get through to enjoy the crust.  

The kids finished out their weekend swimming at their friend's pool.  He got a case for his phone so he can take pictures underwater.  

Caroline and I are looking forward to a nice quiet lady's week ahead.  She may just lay around with Benson all week.

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