Sunday, June 18, 2023

VBS with Motion Sickness Girl

The boys started their week off by sleeping through Monday.  They had gone to a sleepover the night before.  Again, 'sleepover' is an oxymoron.  Josiah napped all morning.  Henry napped all afternoon. They had to be home early Monday morning because Caroline had VBS to get to.  

VBS was called Keepers of the Kingdom this year and it had a Medieval theme.  Caroline's group was called the Knights.  She was very happy to find her favorite Awana friend on her team.  At pick-up, Caroline relayed that her group had the best leader.  Her team won at game time as well.  It was a good first day.

Day 2 she came home not quite as happy.  They had a piece of paper with Scriptures to memorize throughout the week.  At pick-up on Day 1, I saw the Scripture papers on a table and asked her if she needed it.  She replied in the negative.  But on Day 2, they had adults that would listen to the memorized verse from the day before.  Caroline hadn't memorized any, so she struggled through her time with the listener.  We put that frustration into memorizing the verses that evening!  On Day 3, she said three verses and was happy at pick-up again.  For each verse they said, they got to pick out a bracelet.  By the end of the week she had a wrist-ful of bracelets.

Mid-week, the boys had their Bible study while Caroline was at VBS.  Henry had a friend come over afterwards to spend the day with us.  They played Minecraft and the Game of Life before we hit the pool.  It didn't take the kids long to spot our neighbor friend there along with another friend, so we ended up with quite a group.  Four boys between the ages of 12-15 and Caroline.  (Josiah had been under the weather so he stayed home.)  Marco Polo was played, tennis balls were tossed, and there were many trips down the slide.  Caroline was the only girl in the mix so I kept a close eye on her.  

Earlier in the week, the kids pulled out Monopoly.  I took a picture at the beginning because Monopoly tends to sour quickly.  They did not get far in their game and by the end of the week they packed it up. I appreciated not having to deal with that fallout.

Todd almost got a real Father's Day this year.  We are usually always out of town, but this year we were able to celebrate it a day early.  Josiah drew him as Indiana Jones and the boys put together a James Bond Lego car.  That and a few snacks to keep him going while we're out of town.  

It was a good time to head out of town, too.  The heat in Houston has been really intense.  The month of May was quite nice and fairly mild.  This past week the temperatures jumped.  The feels like temperature hit sauna level.  Next week, the actual temperatures are supposed to hit 105°.  The feels like will be the surface of the sun.  Fortunately, we hopped a plane Saturday evening and landed in the relatively cooler climate of Virginia.  

Still on the tarmac...
Plane trips are always eventful with Motion Sickness Girl.  The first hour of the flight, golden.  The second hour turned bad quickly.  The throw-up bag was deployed as a precautionary.  Then it was filled.  One flight attendant noted the situation and brought her a latex glove filled with ice that she put on the back of her neck.  She also brought one of those rubbing alcohol wet cloth packets.  Caroline sniffed that and for a while she seemed to be doing okay.  The flight attendant subtly handed me a few extra throw-up bags for which we were very grateful.  It only took 30 minutes for us to make use of the extras.   After we deboarded and were walking to the luggage carousel, Caroline observed, "I don't think I should be a pilot or a flight attendant when I get older."   Huh.  I'm going to agree with you on this one.  Probably not the best career choice for your current situation.  But the kindness of the flight attendant will stick with us for a long time.  

We got in late, but were happy to wake up Father's Day morning at Grandad and Nana's house.  It was good to visit family again.  The kids wanted their now-traditional picture.  

Caroline clearly was better and took pictures of herself leaping through the air.  

Henry got his baseball on.  

And Josiah did a thing.  The Lone Beatle.

It will be a good week.

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