Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our Cross-Country Trip

So, the movers came last Monday.  4 big guys and one smaller guy who were very nice and seemed to do a really good job.  I guess the ultimate test is when we unload and see how everything made it across the country.  :)  I don't think I've ever been called "ma'am" so much in my life.  "Ma'am, is this piece going?" "Ma'am, do you want us to pack this up?" "Ma'am, are you satisfied with the job?" The day went much easier also since Grandad and Nana watched all the kids while Grandma stayed with me and kept running out for errands (especially lunch!).

Day 1 - Caroline did not sleep the night before (at all it seemed) so she did great in the car - 2 solid naps.  The boys did well, too, because they finally got to play with all the toys that we'd been saving for the car ride.  One stop in Wilson, NC to eat only since we couldn't find a "play place." We stopped again in Sumpter, SC looking for a play place.  We found one at McDonald's but Henry grabbed the door to open it for everyone (at the McDonald's) and was stung by a wasp that was on the handle.  I saw it on the handle and tried to tell him to "wait! stop!," but he is 3 and not quick to listen.  The poor kid cried a lot and loudly, but ice (and ice cream) seemed to help and by the time we got back in the car he was all better, although a little swollen on his hand.  No play time, though, since the play area was outside and I didn't know if there were more wasps lurking near it.  Our church Yorktown, VA has a playground that is always locked up because the wasps seem to claim it first every year. We stopped in Augusta, GA for the night. 473 miles down.
My Co-Pilot
Henry's hand on ice

Day 2 - Caroline didn't sleep last night either so she slept in the car again.  Although I don't enjoy the staying up all night, it is nice that she sleeps in the car.  We left the hotel in the morning and drive to get gas.  We drive the 5 minutes to the gas station at which time Josiah asks if we can find a hotel and check into it.  Aaah, no.  The boys were content because we had a few new toys that we hadn't opened the day before so they played with them.  Today we stopped at two play places - a Chick-fil-a in Fairburn, GA and a McDonald's in Greenville, Alabama. As gross as I think they are, the kids had fun playing.  The boys make friends wherever they go and the McDonald's was no different.  There was a little boy, Ryder, that the kids played with although Josiah kept calling him "Slider."  Caroline loved climbing to the top and playing at the top of each play place.  So I got to climb to the top of each and bring her down.  That's always fun to see the inside of these things and see how much they really do need to be cleaned.  We made it to a La Quinta Inn in Mobile, Alabama for the night. That proved bad for Henry...  Another 480 miles completed.

Day 3 - Caroline finally slept all night.  We take the elevator down to our continental breakfast and as the elevator doors open, there stands a man with a dog.  Apparently La Quinta Inns are VERY pet friendly, especially dogs, and especially this particular location.  Henry sees the dog (smaller than himself) and starts to freak out.  He exits the elevator, runs in circles, flailing about and runs head first into a chair rail which leaves a dent (and now a big bruise) in his forehead.  The poor kid is so scared of dogs and we're not sure why.  He settles down and has a nice big breakfast.  Back on the road.  I'm not as "friendly" to pass the kids things today since I've been saying for the past two days....all day long...."put your toys back in your backpacks when you're done so you can reach them the next time you want to play with them."  Both boys had empty backpacks of course.  We stopped at another play place in Lafayette, LA (I again climbed up to retrieve Caroline), crossed a bunch of bridges in Louisiana, crossed the Mississippi River which was neat and finally made it to Texas.  The second we cross the border, Josiah asks, "Where are the cowboys and horses?" He wakes up Henry, tells him we are in Texas, and Henry asks, "Where are the cowboys, and the horses, and the little cows they catch?"  We still had another 2 hours (at least) to go, but Josiah asked at least 500x "Are we in Sugar Land yet?" That was fun.  Caroline was getting fussy and I knew she was getting hungry but I was at the point of just wanting to get there, so we pushed through.  I handed a Costco-size bag of Veggie Straws to Henry to give to Caroline and she was good to go for a couple hundred miles.  Henry would reach over to get some from the bag and she would yell at him, so he started opening his mouth and she would put one in it, but that's all he got - one at a time. We made it through Houston (VERY big city!) and got to our new house at 4:30pm and had to wait for Todd to get home from work.      1419 miles.
Welcome to Texas

Since we've been here, we've driven around to see some of the town. On Saturday we walked to a park in the neighborhood and upon seeing a dog, Josiah says he wants to get a dog when he's grown-up.  A big one.  To which Henry responds that HE wants a bigger dog than Josiah.  We asked him how he would take care of it since he's scared of dogs and he says he's going to get a dog that doesn't have any teeth so it can't bite him.

Sunday we went to church at Sugar Land Baptist Church.  I was concerned that the kids wouldn't go in the nursery very easily since it is a new place.  We drop them all off in their separate rooms, no one cries, each goes in nicely.  We go to pick them up and they all did well.  Caroline didn't even want to come home with us because she was playing with a ball (like a beach ball) and just kept saying "ball" and throwing it around.  We do not have shy kids.

And here we are, Monday again. Now we are just waiting on our furniture which should hopefully arrive mid-week.

Our everything table - dining, play, etc.  Can't wait for a bigger one soon!

Henry playing in his "house"

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