Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Home

First of all I have no idea why the spacing between paragraphs & pictures is so huge.  I can't seem to fix it though.
Our furniture arrived on Thursday, so we have been busy getting the house in order and doing a ton of laundry.  I've never been so happy to do laundry in all my life. 

So, many have asked how we like the new house/neighborhood/city, so I thought I'd answer it here.
Our House:

From the outside it screams 1970.  From the inside, it quietly yells 1970.  :)  We really liked that it is a 4 bedroom and we had grand plans of making the 4th bedroom a guest bedroom.  However, we also did not want to unpack all of our boxes since we are only going to be here for a year.  So here is our 4th bedroom. 

Most of these boxes are not going to be unpacked.  And I have more in the house to add to this room.  So now we need a sleeper sofa!

The boys really like that their beds are now made into bunk beds.  Josiah gets the top, of course, which he loves.  Henry does fine on the bottom, but says he needs a flashlight because it is so "dark" under there.  They do go to bed while it is still light out, so the need for a flashlight is more for playing than soothing to sleep.  We used to put Josiah to bed 30 minutes before Henry, but now they go to bed at the same time and I've noticed they talk a lot more.  Mostly they do their "Where's Waldo?" books, which I don't mind because they're quiet and eventually will go to sleep on their own.  The biggest thing is getting them to not wrestle on the beds.  We often find red splotches on their faces/chests/backs/arms due to "friendly" wrestling. 

It is a nice neighborhood/area.  All the yards are very well maintained as is ours since the landlord told Todd we had to "shape" our bushes, not just trim them.  The driveway has been my nemesis.  It is long and slightly curved and at the end of it is a fire hydrant.  Todd thinks I'm going to hit the fire hydrant every time I back out.  I used to think I was a decent driver until this driveway.  I always hit the bushes on the side and have to go forward, back up, go forward, back up.  It's embarrassing really. 

We took a walk the other day just down our block and up the next because the boys wanted to ride their bikes.  Let me tell you, taking a walk at 1pm in Texas in August is not a wise move.  It didn't feel like an oppressive heat, but we were soaked in sweat by the time we got home.  Henry incurred another injury.  We were walking from one block to the next and there was a little hill that I saw up ahead.  He was pedaling his tricycle close to the top so I yelled out, "Henry! Stop! Freeze!"  Henry is 3 and Henry didn't stop.  He went flying down the hill, over the curb, into the street in front of a parked car.  Fortunately it is a quiet neighborhood and no one was driving nearby.  He will now tell stories of the mountain of a hill that he flew down and injured himself.  He'll show you where he bloodied up his elbow.  He says he thought it would bleed for the rest of his life, but it's not bleeding anymore.  (Mind you, it's a scrape, not a full blown cut.)  When we talk of taking a walk again he is insistent that we do not go near the hill.  And I will say, this was not a big hill by any stretch.  This area of Texas is flat.  And in a few years they'll love to ride their bikes down it. 

Sugar Land the city is very nice.  It has a ton of shady trees along many of the streets that are very pretty.  They sort of remind me of Savannah.  It has a lot of small local restaurants/take-outs.  There is a big Asian population where we are so there are a lot of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese places that we want to try.  There are also tons of ice cream shops and donut shops.  We've enjoyed Shipley's do-nuts this weekend.  Plus it has a Costco, so any city that has a Costco is pretty good for us. 

Caroline is talking more and more.  She now says "ball" (a lot more, too, since we bought her a big one).  She also says "I-yah" for Josiah.  We can't tell if she is calling Henry anything yet, but she probably is because those two just love each other.  They are always hugging and talking to each other.  Every time she wakes up from her nap, Henry will ask me to put her down if I'm carrying her so that he can play with her.  It is super cute.  He is also very good at telling her the rules of the house.  If she is doing something that is not allowed, he'll say, "Ca-wo-wine, you can't do that. You already broke your front teeth and you don't want to break any more." 

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