Sunday, August 17, 2014


This has been of week of things breaking around the house and LOTS of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I'm not sure where the fascination with TMNT started because the boys have never seen any movie or TV show with them in it.  They do have two books, but we've never actually read them.  They do play with the figurines, and I suppose all the things they have them do are made up in their heads.  Ever since we got our craft paper back, Josiah has been into making Turtle costumes.  First it was Michelangelo (orange) and then today it was Donatello (purple) I think because he found a "staff" to use like Donatello. Check out his fingers in the Michelangelo photo - we had to do individual finger things out of paper. 


He has also drawn some amazing drawings of the turtles. 

And when we went out to buy some lunch boxes for the boys for school next week, they both picked out TMNT.  It's hard to say what Henry would pick out if Josiah were not there because he always does what Josiah does.  He is such an admiring little brother. 

As for the things breaking.  First it was a piece of plaster off the wall (which we fixed), then it was a door stopper fell off (I think the movers must have loosened that), and then the boys tossed things from top bunk to the floor and back up again and in the process broke their overhead light/glass cover.  That was a scary sound to hear glass shatter knowing I hadn't put anything made of glass in their room.  So we are hoping for an upcoming week with nothing breaking!

Josiah starts school on the 29th (I think we said it was this week on the phone to a few people, but we had it wrong).  We have an orientation Tuesday night where we'll meet his tutor and hopefully get a better idea of how the group here works. 

And another funny Henry story.  We've been to Sugar Land Baptist Church for 3 Sundays now.  Henry's teacher has told us every time how smart he is and how well he does puzzles and on and on.  We thought we had a child genius on our hands (although he is crazy good at puzzles) and then she said, "When does he turn 3?" Yeah, he's 3 1/2.  He's in a 2 year old class until next week when they do "Promotion Sunday" which is when all the kids move up to the next class so he'll be in the 3 year old class.  However, since all the kids are moving up next week, he should be in a class of his peers.  So really, he is brilliant.  The church here does "Promotion & Pancakes" so all the little kid classes move to their new room and then have a pancake party. 

Henry took a cute picture of Caroline. 

Other than that, we've spent the week unpacking and we're nearly done!

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